6 Ingredients In Your Pantry That Will Save You Up To $100 Per Day.

In Our FREE Cooking Class #1 6 Ingredients In Your Pantry That Will Save You Up To $100 Per Day. Are you coming to the realisation that takeaway food might…

In Our FREE Cooking Class #1

6 Ingredients In Your Pantry That Will Save You Up To $100 Per Day.

Are you coming to the realisation that takeaway food might become a bigger part of your life in the next few months?

Pad Thai Results from Sticky Rice Cooking School Online Class #1 Free to view

Like many things at the moment the enjoyment of eating out in restaurants is not currently within reach and at the same time takeaway seems to be the new ‘IT’ word.

But many of us are worried that money is tight and our budgets for luxury items has been severely reduced, so what do we do?

The good news is, that if you are a fan of Thai Takeaway, you may already have 6 key items in your pantry that could save you up to $100 per night.

By next week you could learn to cook 3 favourite dishes with ease. Without leaving home!

Recipe 1. Pad Thai Noodles.
Recipe 2. Steamed Dumplings and soy chilli dipping sauce.
Recipe 3. Thai Green Curry.

We are offering Free online cooking class tutorials with our best Thai recipes

and we are packaging everything you need to cook them at home into a recipe bag.

Read on for more about these ingredients…. or get straight to it here..

You can have a ready to hand pantry of the most needed ingredients plus all those hard to find fresh ingredients all in the boot of your car in seconds.  No shopping list to execute or Asian markets to navigate.

An average Thai Takeaway will cost a family of 4 at least $100- that’s a couple of starters to share and 3 main meals with rice. And that’s assuming the family agrees to share! Multiple that by 6 months and that’s a lot of money.

But what if we demystify those favourite dishes that you are ordering…I’m going to guess at a few as an example.

  • Pad Thai
  • Green Curry
  • Dumplings
  • Cashew Chicken
  • Basil Chicken
  • Laarb
  • Satays
Green Curry Results from Sticky Rice Cooking School online classes. Free view.

Green Curry Results from Sticky Rice Cooking School online classes. Free to view.

Pre order online and you will receive the twin pack of everything you need to learn,cook,impress,dine and repeat!

Every thing you need to know to pre-order your recipe packs here

If you want to learn more? View our free online cooking classes on our Sticky Rice Cooking School You Tube channel. View classes for free and see our easy to do at home options.…………

Here is the list of 6 key sauce ingredients used in each of those dishes and why you should have them in your pantry.

  1. Fish Sauce
  2. Soy Sauce
  3. Oyster Sauce
  4. Palm Sugar
  5. Chilli Jam ( or chilli paste in soy bean oil)
  6. Rice Wine vinegar

In varying degrees of quantity and combination (and that is the key by the way) the seasoning flavours of Thai dishes are derived from 4 main tastes. Spicy, Salty, Sweet, Sour.

Each taste plays a crucial part in the overall flavour which we experience.

Our ability to sense these categories comes from receptors on our taste buds. These tiny sensory organs appear mostly on the tongue, the roof of the mouth and in the back of the throat.

But the key to finding a mouthful of food flavoursome and delicious, is the balancing of these taste categories. A dish might be overall a sweeter dish such as Cashew Chicken, or sour and fresh like Laarb, but the saltiness and chilli also has to be there to balance it out and highlight the complexity of flavour. It’s like tasting in 3D not 2D.

Thai food in particular delivers this 3D flavour with ease and hence it is up there as one of the most sought after cuisines on the planet and has sustained its popularity as a takeaway food despite the myriad of other food fads and emerging food trends coming into the market space.

If you are a Thai food fan, then it’s about time you knew the secret of how those favourite dishes are created and it comes down to a few essential categories of  ingredients and some basic cooking techniques.

Sweet, Salty, Spice, Sour- you have to pay attention to the balancing of any sauces which you add to your dish. These flavours come from the 6 top ingredients which I have listed. Fish Sauce, Soy Sauce, Oyster Sauce, Palm Sugar, Chilli Jam and Rice Wine vinegar. You should have these in your pantry if you are going to cook Thai food but make sure you buy quality brands as the saltiness and flavour quality can drastically change your recipe.

Fresh Herbs. You need to have freshness to your dish so Thai food uses herbs such as Thai Basil, Kaffir Lime Leaf, Lemongrass, Mint, Coriander and Pandan.

Spice and Aromatics. The background to delicious Thai dishes usually comes from ingredients such as Garlic, Ginger, Galangal, Asian Shallots and Onions, Turmeric, Krachai. Cumin, White pepper and Chilli.

The sourness and tang in a dish usually comes from fresh limes and lemons, tamarind and vinegars.

Despite Getting So Much Flavour Bang For Your Buck In Thai Cuisine, Thai Recipes Are Actually Really Simple.

Most dishes will take less than 30 mins to get to the table and yet a lot of us are still mystified or intimidated by the thought of cooking these dishes and falsely believe they won’t taste the same if we make them ourselves.

By Next Week You Could Learn To Cook 3 Of Those Dishes With Ease. Without Leaving Home!

You can have a ready to hand pantry of the most needed ingredients plus all those hard to find fresh ingredients all in the boot of your car in seconds.  No shopping list to execute or Asian markets to navigate.

  • Private cooking class learning via our You Tube channel.
  • No shopping required. Its all in the bag.
  • Kids and adults alike will love learning these Sticky Rice Class recipes at home.
  • All those hard to find Asian ingredients will instantly be in your pantry.
  • You can cook the recipes at a time to suit you and you will have enough pantry supplies to reuse the recipes again and again.
  • Each cooking class bag contains ingredients for 3 recipes which means 3 family sized meals are covered for the week. Even better, challenge the kids or family members to make one each, Masterchef style!
  • Using our iconic Sticky Rice Cooking School recipes, plus our new on-line cooking class presentations we are supplying and delivering everything you need.

Recipe 1. Pad Thai Noodles.
Recipe 2. Steamed Dumplings and soy chilli dipping sauce.
Recipe 3. Thai Green Curry.

Pre order online and you will receive the twin pack of everything you need to learn,cook,impress,dine and repeat!

If you want to learn more? View our free online cooking classes on our Sticky Rice Cooking School You Tube channel. https://www.youtube.com/StickyRiceCooking………….

We have been the leading cooking school in Adelaide for the last 12 years and with a little free help from us on line, plus our tried and testing recipes, the next 6 months could see you surprising yourself and impressing your friends.

  • Save yourself 100s of dollars on takeaway,
  • Have much more control over the quality and freshness of what you are eating.
  • Eliminate all the unnecessary fat that you are ingesting in takeaway food.
  • Get the kids involved and skill up at home.

Bragging Rights Will Be All Yours But We Would Love To Know How You Get On And See Some Pics.

First up in cooking class #1 we will be teaching you to cook Pad Thai, Steamed Dumplings and Green Curry and we have accompanying fresh ingredients/pantry packs and recipes available to pre order and pick up from the Sticky Rice Cooking School if you want to give it a go.

Steamed dumplings Results from Sticky Rice Cooking School Cooking Class #1 Free for you online

Every Thing You Need To Know And Pre-Order Your Recipe Packs Here

In view of COVID-19 we are doing a no contact ( pre-order) drive through pick up. Tell us what time you are coming and pop the boot. We will bring the produce bags out to you.

96 Old Mount Barker Road. Stirling Adelaide Hills.

All our produce is supplied fresh from the market and is chef’s quality.

Call us 8339 1314 if you are stuck and need home delivery.


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